
Canadian Leaves Everything Behind To Move To Mexico And Start Her Online Business, A Founder’s Story with Lauren Ashley

Lauren Ashley is an Aligned Business Coach, an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation, and has been dubbed the Money Mindset and Manifestation queen by her clients. Host of the Aligned & Magnetic Podcast, Lauren helps entrepreneurs build Aligned, Magnetic & Profitable™ brands. Her passion is to help entrepreneurs step out of the box, think bigger, and create success their own way so they can spend more time doing what they LOVE and less time dreading their to-do list.

Tell us about your childhood and where you grew up

I grew up in a mid-sized town in Canada and had a pretty average childhood. My parents divorced when I was young and as the oldest child, I felt the responsibility to really step up to help raise my siblings and take care of the house (a huge responsibility for an 8-year-old). I carried this into my career and life – always taking the safe and responsible route… Until I decided I had enough and needed to live my life on my own terms. That’s when I quit my 9-5 and left my life behind to move to Mexico.

How did you get started as an entrepreneur?

I started in the multi-level marketing industry back when I lived in Canada but I didn’t really see results because I didn’t like the sales tactics I was taught. They felt icky to me plus the industry didn’t align with my desire for freedom and travel. So I decided to branch off and start my online business health coaching (I had been studying health as a personal interest for a few years at that point). But I felt like I was really holding myself back from really going for it and kept using my 9-5 job as an excuse. So I saved up, moved to Mexico, and jumped feet first into building my business (while doing some marketing work on the side to help me get started). My health coaching business helped me learn that what I’m actually really good at is helping people make more money in a way that lights them up and feels good to them. So now I help entrepreneurs build better brands and get out there in a bigger way so they can make more money!

What is one business lesson you would tell a startup founder?

No matter what mentorship or advice you receive, no matter who it’s from… Always listen to your intuition first and foremost. There’s a lot of business advice out there and a lot of it is valid, but it’s not for everyone (we’re all so unique)! To really see results and avoid unnecessary detours, allow your authentic self to shine through in your brand and trust the voice within (even if it sounds crazy).

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