
How I Trusted My Instinct To Start A Small Business, A Founder’s Story with Brett Prentiss

Brett Prentiss with Instinct Marketing has a diverse background in sales, marketing, and even stand-up comedy and politics. He started Instinct Marketing with the passion to give the little guy a leg up over the big competition. Brett traveled the world learning digital marketing practices to bring a world-class experience to his clients.

Tell us about your childhood and where you grew up

I grew up in Antelope, CA, at the time a new growing small town. I didn’t grow up with the principles of entrepreneurship instilled in me as my mom was a career woman and didn’t take many chances. I was so much different than all of my family with what I wanted with my life which led me to Instinct Marketing.

How did you get started as an entrepreneur?

My business partner was an affiliate marketer and noticed my sales ability at Verizon. We joined forces and started Instinct Marketing, a small agency that helps other small service-based businesses reach their highest potential. We traveled the world from Thailand to a small town in Connecticut to learn how to start our business and take it to the highest level. Today we are the leading digital marketing agency in Sacramento, CA.

What is one business lesson you would tell a startup founder?

If you are leaving corporate America make sure these 3 things are in place first, your health, and your wealth, and have a strong support system in place before you make the jump. If you do, your journey of entrepreneurship will be a million times easier.

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