
How Anyone Can Explore Their Full Potential And Attract Unexpected Opportunities By Creating Content, A Founder’s Story with Joyce Tsang

Joyce Tsang is a content marketer and the founder of Joyce Tsang Content Marketing. She began her career as a journalist and editor before transitioning to the role of Digital Marketer and Content Director. Passionate about telling the right story for brands, she develops content strategies for her clients and educates them on the importance of identifying target audiences, creating valuable and consistent content, and monitoring and analyzing data to strengthen content strategies and enhance marketing effectiveness.

Tell us about your childhood and where you grew up

I was born in Hong Kong and am proud to have grown up in Vancouver, Canada. Though I had a Westernized upbringing, half of me still holds local Chinese culture close to my heart. Neither of my parents was an entrepreneur. They were quite the opposite of it. My mother is a housewife, and my dad worked at different TV stations his whole life. My father loved Japanese culture. So it made complete sense that our first family trip abroad was to Tokyo, Japan. He spoiled me with a lot of toys, namely, Sailormoon figurines. I remain a Sailormoon toy collector and love watching all sorts of anime today. One of the most memorable moments during my childhood was during primary school. We were told to bring our favorite doll and introduce it to the class. I saw my classmate holding an animal plushie I did not recognize. I described it to my mother, who told me it was an orca (killer whale). She then brought me to the Vancouver aquarium to learn more about the species, and I fell in love with the animal. I bought whale books beyond my reading level, and they improved my English tremendously. I also compiled my own whale classification document and called it my prized treasure.

How did you get started as an entrepreneur?

I have always been a Slasher — coined by Marci Alboher, the term refers to someone who does not follow the traditional nine-to-five routine, but instead, takes up multiple jobs and becomes a boss on their own. I have always enjoyed making things, creating content, and telling stories. I began my professional career as a journalist and editor before transitioning to the digital marketer and content director role across both the in-house and agency industries. While I worked full-time, I continued to dance and started my own art and culture magazine, Though I didn’t plan on starting a business, it has always been a desirable option in the back of my mind. One day, I was surprised to find a Linkedin DM from a stranger who said he’s seen my content and wondered if I offer content marketing services. The idea quickly snowballed from there, allowing me to see the potential of starting this business.

What is one business lesson you would tell a startup founder?

Every business leader has their own set of beliefs, and core values, which set them apart from others. For me, it is passion and education. I believe that true entrepreneurship is all about solving a problem passionately. Passion encompasses unquantifiable elements like drive, creativity, desire, and a sense of achievement. In my opinion, those are the motivators for true entrepreneurs. Without such realization, it is very easy to give up.

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