
Investing Into Cryptocurrency SAFELY, A Founder’s Story with Jeremy Britton

A 30-year veteran of investment markets, Jeremy Britton co-founded the world’s first diversified crypto mutual fund in 2016. The Bostoncoin crypto fund was the first to list on Morningstar and has outperformed Bitcoin every year for seven years.

Tell us about your childhood and where you grew up

My parents were both schoolteachers, and I loved to learn. After leaving school, I learned as much as I could about stock market investing, and as a debt to my parents, I taught as many people as I could. My first book aimed to show ordinary people how to become extraordinary investors and has been read by people as old as 80 and as young as eleven.

How did you get started as an entrepreneur?

As I was very well-educated in the ‘schooling’ system, I thought I was clever. After starting my first business, I realized that my book learning was no match for ‘street smarts’. My first business failed in 6 months, but I learned a lot of valuable lessons. Since then I have founded or co-founded 13 startups. I have learned a lot from my own mistakes and much more from hiring mentors and coaches.

What is one business lesson you would tell a startup founder?

The old adage: do what you love, but more importantly, SHARE what you love. Nobody will pay you for sitting on the couch and watching TV, but if you share your views or do reviews of your favorite shows and movies, you may find a revenue stream. Share what you love, and persist. Whatever you love to do for fun, there is someone in the world who is paid to do it. Keep at it and never give up.

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