I am Sai Blackbyrn , The CEO and Marketing head of CoachFoundation.com, A coaching company that assists coaches all around the world in developing strong, impactful, and resilient companies.
Tell us about your childhood and where you grew up
I grew up in London.
How did you get started as an entrepreneur?
I’ve always been a business person. I’ve never worked before. I worked at Wagamama for a day before being dismissed because I spilled orange juice on the Regional Director, which irritated him. That was my sole job in my whole life. Since then, I’ve been running my own company.
What is one business lesson you would tell a startup founder?
I’ve always done stuff that spared me from learning about sales and marketing. The thing was either so wonderful that it sold itself, or it was so poor that it didn’t sell at all. At the time, I was obliged to be modest and study things I had no desire to learn, namely advertising and profits. That was the most important one. I’ve gotten to the point where if I had to begin again from the beginning, it wouldn’t be a problem. A set of basis, full-time staff, diverse jobs, and duties are some of the things I’m discovering today about operating a firm. This section briefly reviews even Though I was keen to learn skills I would’ve never learned in the past because I was too proud to acknowledge I needed things. We all want to think of ourselves as businessmen as being somewhat unique, but the fact is whenever anybody creates anything, there are 6 other individuals doing the same thing. Anyone who claims differently is either a genius or a lunatic, and the latter is usually the case. In my field, there are rivals. There are rivals who are better funded, have more contacts, and know more about the business. When it’s David vs. Goliath, what do you do? You go through the motions that all Davids go through. You compete on the basis of price. There will always be bigger individuals out there, so you’ll have to compete for the client’s business. I do things that I’m sure the big boys would never do. They’ll never provide that much worth. Even if they come to comprehend and grasp its value, creating it takes so much time and work that it isn’t even worth it.